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Lactation Services

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You saw a lactation consultant during rounds at the hospital.
Then you went home.

Does this latch look right? 
Maybe I need to pump...
Is it normal for baby to eat this often?? This long??
Should I consider supplementing? 

How can I combine formula and breastmilk in feeding to get ready to go back to work?


So. Many. Questions.


Luckily, we're HERE to support you.

We have a wonderful, totally real IBCLC on our staff at Maryland State Doulas.

Becky Houseknecht is your lifeline for this time of adjustment.


Don't sweat the spilled milk, hungry cries, or all the tears (from you and baby).

With lactation support at your side, your postpartum doulas and a trained, certified IBCLC, you can conquer whatever goal you have, and sleep at night.


How's THAT for a win win?!


Lactation Services are in home and can be scheduled at your convenience, or combined with postpartum doula/RN support. We participate with insurance for reimbursement. 

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