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Prenatal Massage Myths & Benefits: Ask a Specialist

If you’ve ever considered receiving a massage while pregnant, it’s no secret that there are some scary articles out there. You may have heard that massage can cause miscarriage or early labor. I’m here to debunk these myths, and educate you on just how beneficial prenatal massage can be!

The Miscarriage Myth (& First Trimester Fear)

One of the biggest myths surrounding prenatal massage is that it can cause miscarriage, so you should avoid it completely during your first trimester.

Let’s break this down.

Research has shown that about 80% of miscarriages happen during the first trimester. This fact is why the massage “industry standard” is to turn away pregnant women until they are at least 13 weeks along. In the majority of cases, miscarriage occurs because the fetus is not viable – it’s a genetic issue. If it’s going to happen, it will occur whether the mother-to-be is massaged or not. Many massage therapists are intimidated by this misconception, however, and choose not to work on these clients for fear of liability. Of course you should check with your doctor first, especially if your pregnancy is considered high-risk, and if you aren’t comfortable with massage in the first trimester, that’s okay, too. Just know that there is no evidence that links massage with miscarriage.

Pressure Points & Pre-term Labor Panic

Beyond your first trimester, there is a cultivated fear that massage can cause you to go into labor, especially if performed around the ankles. First and foremost, if this were true massage therapists would be much busier! We’d be using this skill to our advantage (and so would you). The truth is that there is no “magic button” to trigger labor or contractions. If there were, pregnant ladies would be lining up around the corner to get their feet massaged instead of getting hooked up to Pitocin. These fears tend to be rooted in acupressure and reflexology, but there is no evidence that proves that these methods induce labor.

Dodge Deep Tissue

The last myth I’d like to cover is the myth that pregnant women cannot receive deep tissue massage. When people state this, I just ask, “Why not?” Unless you are on certain medications or have had past blood clots, there’s really no reason to stay away from deep tissue methods while pregnant. In fact, deep tissue techniques may be the best way to relieve your muscle tension!

Why You Should Get A Massage While Pregnant

Relaxation – Massage will assist in easing stress and anxiety, and even encourage better sleep.

Pain Relief – Aching hips and a stiff lower back are great reasons for a massage. A therapist’s nurturing touch can help relieve soreness from the stresses of pregnancy (including those feet, remember!).

Hormone Regulation – Yes, we can help with that, too! By stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, massage can boost dopamine and serotonin while reducing cortisol levels.

Improve Circulation – Both blood and lymph. This means reduced blood pressure, swelling, edema, and varicose veins, and improved oxygenation of muscles and tissues.

– In addition to improving your circulation for healthy cell regeneration, massage helps keep up the integrity and elasticity of your skin.

Don’t let these myths scare you away from receiving all of the benefits of prenatal massage! Above all, do your own research, consult your doctor, and do what’s best for you. Don’t forget that a happy mama equals a happy baby!

Abigail Coale, a lifelong Annapolitan, is a licensed massage therapist and wedding & birth videographer (of Abidoodle Productions). She is currently booking in-home sessions, specializing in prenatal massage, as well as neck/shoulder/rotator cuff issues, with an emphasis on both Swedish and deep tissue techniques. When she isn’t facilitating body wellness or capturing milestones, she enjoys writing, crafting, and traveling.

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