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Newly Pregnant and Peeing All The Time!

frequent urination in early pregnancy is common

You may have just found out the great news, and felt like peeing was a huge part of your life while testing with those many sticks, but now that the dust has settled, why on earth are you peeing all the time??

Perhaps one of the most annoying and sometimes debilitating early pregnancy symptoms, frequent urination hits most commonly by week six of pregnancy, and can extend into the second trimester. (But don’t worry - it’ll make a fun comeback during the end of your pregnancy, too!)

So, what’s the deal here?

When your pregnancy becomes established, the increased amount of hCG needed to sustain the growth of your little one means increased blood flow to the pelvic region. All that increased fluid causes a few things to happen; one, a bladder frequently filling, and two, the increase in size of your uterus, although it might seem slight, sits directly upon your bladder and causes its capacity to be directly impacted.

You may also notice that when you go to the bathroom after having a very full bladder, you experience cramping, almost like the onset of your menstrual cycle.

Don’t worry - this is normal, and common.

Since your bladder was putting pressure on your uterus with its swollen size, once you void, your uterus has regained some of its space, and that movement can cause cramping.

Most likely, cramping will abate quickly.

So what can you do about all this frequent peeing?

Honestly - go more often.

You still need to drink 2 liters (yes you read correctly) of water per day to not only sustain blood flow and fluids for yourself to thrive but to allow that little sweet pea to grow and thrive itself!

If needed, you might want to invest in a few pantyliners in case you start to experience leaking while your body is undergoing its transformation. It may help you to get through the day and feel your best!

Curious what else is around the bend when it comes to your pregnancy? Check out our handy weekly guides and first trimester infographics.


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