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World Doula Week Meet n' Greet: Carling Sothoron, Labor Doula

Carling Sothoron labor doula Maryland state doulas birth support labor support

Happy World Doula Week! This week, we're celebrating the wonderful doulas we have here at Maryland State Doulas, and giving you the chance to learn a little more about them and why our clients are loving their support!

Carling Sothoron, one of our birth doulas, shared with us some of what she brings to the table:

1. Favorite thing about being a doula:

I feel fortunate to be engaged in work that draws from my passions, personal strengths and character. There are so many things about being a doula that I love and that love only continues to grow! Most of all, I enjoy that each birth is unique just as each birthing person is unique. The individuality of births brings excitement and wonder, challenges me to use my diversity of tools and also presents opportunities for learning and growth.

2. Favorite tool or trick for birth:

My hands. The power of touch can be magical! My hands are strong yet soft and they have the ability to ease tension through massage or bring comfort to intense emotions through holding the hand of another.

3. When I'm not a doula, I can be found ____:

Exploring the woods with kindergarteners, attending a meeting for one of the multiple local organizations I am active with, cooking a delicious vegan meal, getting my workout on at the gym, taking care of my plants, or going on a camping trip.

4. What I love about Maryland:

It’s home! My family and my childhood memories are in Maryland and those are what bring me the most joy. While I’ve had the chance to explore many lands outside of Maryland (and I enjoyed them), I feel most connected to my roots and my community when I here.

5. Why I became a doula:

I provided birth doula support for my best friend before I knew what a doula was. The experience of being with her during pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum was extraordinary! I saw strength and beauty in her that I had never bore witness to and I discovered my own talents as a support person and care provider. Months after the birth of my friend’s son, I began to explore the role of a doula and how it fit into my life. I decided to become a doula because I strongly believe in providing non-judgemental and loving support to people throughout their pregnancy and postpartum. Through my experiences and training I have affirmed that being a doula is exactly what I should be doing and it is a role that highlights my strengths and personality.

6. Favorite baby product:

I’m a big fan of babywearing. I support whatever sling, carrier or wrap that works for your body and your baby.

7. What families will receive from my support:

I see my role as a doula to help the birthing person and birth team have the safest and most satisfying birth experience. I do this by providing physical, emotional and informational support throughout pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum. I am available by phone and email as a resource to discuss any concerns, questions, fears and joys that may come up prior to birth. During labor, my calm and soothing presence will help my clients stay grounded and relaxed, and my encouragement will keep maintain confidence and security. I am there to facilitate important decisions that may need to be made between the birth team and the medical team. The birthing person’s autonomy is my priority. I am there to be by their side and show up in a way that allows them tap into their own strength and wisdom.

8. Fun fact:

I really love goats!

To learn more about Carling or to schedule a consult with her, drop us a line today!

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