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Failing at Motherhood?

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"Seriously failing at this mom/wife/school/life balance. When people say, I don’t know how you do it, I want to say I’m not doing it. My craft room looks like I’m a hoarder, I skipped the gym to let my 3-year-old breastfeed while he watched YouTube on my phone, I haven’t bought a thing for his birthday party for Sunday. Chris is driving kids everywhere, so I can go to graduate school, my carpet smells like feet, farts and dogs. There is marker or crayon on most of my walls and I desperately need new family room furniture because there are only so many times you can wash pee out of fabric. I haven’t seen a field hockey game and I’m that mom that has asked for rides for her kid so much that people just assume they need to drive her home. But I am killing it at whole 30."

This was my Facebook status this am.

It was 10am and I was already sobbing. Some days just suck. I wish I could tell you that my day got better, but it didn’t.

Even tonight, I am getting texts from my son saying, “Daddy is being mean.”

And texts from my husband telling me that my 7-year-old son is sick.

I came home to mass chaos and a kid with a fever of 102.7 and no chewable Tylenol in sight.

So here I am failing again as a mother.

As I stood there going through the mail, there was a sweet card from my friend thanking me for being her friend. I also had a three-year-old that wanted nothing but my undivided attention. I had a nice warm bowl of homemade chicken soup with my husband, Hey, I had my stuff together enough to make dinner before I went to school. (Whole 30 approved, nonetheless, but that’s for another post.).

As I opened up Facebook, I see about 100 posts on my status update. Every other mom feels the same way I do. We all think we are failing as moms. How is this possible? We keep humans alive every day and we think we suck.

Today, my kids felt loved, they had 3 meals (and probably way too many snacks), a roof over their head and a warm bed to sleep in.

So, for today, I will take that as a win. Not every day can be filled with rainbows and unicorns.

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