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"We Have To Take The Baby.”: A Father’s Cesarean Story

a father waits for news of his unborn baby

December 12 2014, circa 4 a.m.

I felt bad for our Doctor.

I knew that Sheila, my friend and Midwife, was going to fuss him out for sending my wife down for an emergency C-Section. I understand; he had no choice.

I was sent to a separate area to to prep and then sent sit and wait as my unborn daughter's fate was in the hands of that surgical team. I remember sitting by myself in the hallway by myself, fighting back tears, feeling so helpless and alone.

Thankfully, i had nothing to worry about as the surgical team performed the Emergency C-Section flawlessly.

27 minutes and a box of kleenex later, We heard our daughters first cries.

The nurse cleaned my daughter up and placed her in my arms for the first time.

Have you ever experienced a time when you just, knew? Not thought, not felt, but knew? Well , that was my moment of knowing. In the same way one knows that 2 + 2 =4, the same way one knows that the speed of light is 299792458 m/s (that's 186,000 mps... what? I'm a nerd.)

I knew when my daughter looked up at me with that scowling face, I knew my life was changed forever.

Ali Jaafar is a production technician and author of Dad blog "The Pooped Papa".

I knew when my daughter looked up at me with that scowling face, I knew my life was changed forever.


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