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Why You Should Consider Birth Your Olympic Games

birth is as strenuous as being an athlete

As we get ready as a nation that you're on team USA along with other countries and delegations as they compete in the sport of their lifetime, here are some reasons why you should consider labor and birth your greatest Olympic achievement:

It's a physical event

No matter how you give birth, you have housed and carried a human inside your body for over nine months. Your perineum alone stretches and accommodates a baby's head from a space almost unfathomable during descent and the pushing phase.

You will need similar nourishment as the athletes competing

Because of all of the hard physical work you'll be doing to birth your baby, it's important to remember that you should be giving yourself all of the caloric needs as well as hydration along the same lines as an athlete. Just like the athletes, Gatorade along with electrolytes and protein rich foods are important for your success.

There will be gear involved

Just as the athletes have special tools outfits and items for their sport, consider your sport of labor to need similar things. What you labor in, specific tools for keeping you comfortable, like rice socks and rebozos, can greatly impact your performance during the day.

It will take a mental toughness and preparation unlike any other

There's a reason that we say that women enter "labor land" and go into themselves during the process. Similar to working out or competing in a sport it takes a mental quiet and inward motion to move through the different emotional and physical changes that occur during the birth process.

At the end there is a gold medal: your baby!

Athletes who compete receive at the very height of their physical journey through competition a metal on the podium stand. What makes your birth greater than any Olympic athletes hope it is that you're coming out of that journey with a brilliant sense of accomplishment in the form of a baby!

Just as we are here to cheer on team USA we also cheer on all of our birthing families as they prepare for that greatest of events. Need a coach? Our labor dealers are experts at training families to achieve their goals during the birth process!


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