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Cut Out the Car Crying - Tips & Tricks for a Quieter Ride

two babies in car seats and tips on how to avoid car crying

Your newborn baby is a joy - except in the car. Stopping at a red light turns you into a bundle of nerves waiting for the ceased motion to cause panic from the back seat. Do you need to suffer through this stage and wait it out? While some babies prefer time out of the car seat, here are some tips to help you through the rocky road and hopefully give you some calmer car trips!

Keep Baby Cool (Or Warm)

Sometimes temperature is a factor in baby’s discomfort. Make sure your car is cooled prior to putting baby in the seat during hot summer days, and keep a muslin blanket in the back seat pocket of your car for times that baby might get chilly. If it’s an especially warm day, try a cooling towel between baby and the car seat, such as a Frogg Togg, which you can pick up at any sports or athletic store as well as Target!

Keep an Eye on Baby with a Car Seat Mirror

More for you than baby, some of the mirrors allow baby to catch a glimpse of you in your rearview mirror (when they’re older) while they are rear facing. The newer mirrors on the market also have interactive lights and sounds, since activity bars and toys are discouraged hanging from the bar of the infant seat while the car is in motion. These can be activated with a remote from the driver’s seat. Bonus: it allows you to keep an eye on baby and remind yourself that she’s safe in her seat until you reach your destination.

Open a Window

The white noise of air rushing in through the window sometimes is soothing to baby; you can also play a Baby Shusher on your phone or keep a portable white noise machine in the car to assist with the same cues you use for sleep time.

Play Some Music

Calming music can sometimes help create a calm atmosphere that encourages baby to settle. Rockabye Baby! makes some great lyric-free tracks that are slower, nursery versions of your favorite artists. You’ll be humming along, or even singing your familiar tunes to baby, as an added soothing technique!

Adjust Feeding Prior to Car Trips

Sometimes a baby who is too full or too hungry won’t settle in a car seat. Try changing your feeding pattern, if you can, to allow baby to be satiated but not too empty or full prior to getting in the car seat. This may help settle baby’s tummy for longer trips.

Spend Time in the Car Seat - Outside of the Car

If you have a click base infant car seat, invest in a stroller base that the car seat locks into. These frame strollers are lightweight, inexpensive and perfect for the early stages with baby. Take baby in the car seat, lock her into the stroller, and walk - the mall, the neighborhood, anywhere so baby can see that it’s okay to be in the car seat! The motion also will soothe baby while she has access to you in her sights!

Consider Chiropractic Care

Sometimes, no matter the soothing technique, baby isn’t comfortable in the car seat’s incline. Taking baby to a chiropractor experienced with newborn and infant adjustments can help ease even the slightest alignment issues and discomfort, which can also assist in sleep, help with reflux, and more issues you might be dealing with for your child. For many, this step proves very helpful for car crying!

Remember, no matter the instances or frequency of car crying in your new babe, it’s not for long! Most babies outgrow their car crying over time, and while it is alarming to new parents, they’re not in any danger. Take a deep breath, grab some Starbucks, and try some tricks to help your little one adjust! Need more advice? Our Newborn and Infant Care Specialists are equipped to listen to your particular issues with baby and give you expert advice to solving them!


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