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The Epidural Reset Button Your Partner Needs To Know

An easy labor assist is brushing hair to get back to a labor safety cycle after receiving an epidural.

Often, when a woman in labor chooses an epidural for comfort, there’s been a long period of time where she’s labored strong and hard. She might be exhausted, mentally and physically, and ready for some relief.

Equally as often, once the relief and edge of contractions are taken off through the effective medication, her mind is free to wander, and even though discomfort is lessened, she might still be feeling uneasy or unsafe.

So many women have trouble sleeping on an epidural because their mind isn’t able to help them feel safe and supported, and this interferes with their process of deep relaxation.

It’s important to try and help her get the rest she needs - there’s plenty to come! - and a good solid nap is the best thing to assist with readying for the next phase.

Sleep, however, is easier said than done. Now that the discomfort has been replaced by new sensations, it’s not uncommon to feel claustrophobic from the loss of sensation in the legs, to feel difficulty breathing from the relaxed diaphragm caused by medicine, and racing thoughts wondering how long the process of labor will take from here on take over thoughts of rest!

Luckily, resetting the feelings of the labor safety cycle are all that’s needed to help a laborer get the rest needed to have a smooth, effective labor!

Right after the epidural is making her comfortable, shut the lights, put on some calming and quiet music, and grab a brush.

Starting up near the scalp and brushing down to the back of the neck, continue to brush the hair in repetitive strokes. This will have Mom feeling safe, comfortable, and easily focused on the soothing feelings of light touch, and the nerve endings will help her to allow sleep to overtake her.

Now, everyone can get a great rest, needed to keep everyone fresh, in the game, and ready for the next steps of the labor process!


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