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5 Reasons First Time Parents Need a Childbirth Class

taking a childbirth class as a first time parent is the best way to get all information needed for your experience

You’re counting down baby’s sizes in fruit, organizing a nursery, packing your bag, and - probably - talking to family, friends and the good ol’ YouTube about what to expect during your birth experience.

No matter what kind of birth you’re planning, we HIGHLY recommend (if we could, we’d require if of all our birthing families!) taking a complete childbirth class as part of birth preparation.

Why do we say this? Is it a ploy to steal more of your precious alone time before welcoming baby?

It’s a crucial step, and here’s why:


The obvious, right? If you haven’t done it, it means you certainly have at least something to learn about the anatomy, process and experience as a whole that is new and different from 5-10 blogs and your BabyCenter app.

You Will Learn About YOUR Birth Location

Most of the time, our families choose our childbirth series because we can give them honest, complete and detailed information about the intake, items available, check in process and induction and birth methods of their providers, at their birth location. No single birthing location in the country is the same - let alone in the state! Having complete information about your place of birth is a comfort to preparing.


Our birth classes are hands on. Yes, we detail tons of information about how to chart contractions, the process and how long you can expect to be in labor at different stages, but we also get physical. Our classes arm you with a flash card worthy set of real, tangible tools and positions for when you’re laboring at home and at your birth location, from comfortable ways to sleep to pushing positions, that just make sense when you’re doing them.


While most birth classes cover the big day(s), we strive to help with the conditioning of the body and making the most of your symptoms and sensations while you’re still pregnant. The end of the second trimester and beginning of the third are a great time to take a class - they give you a lot of ways to help keep your pelvic floor and growing belly comfortable to relieve a variety of late pregnancy ailments and discomforts.


There is more than one way to write a birth plan, and it’s the most under utilized resource to bring to your birth and help communicate with your team. Even if you don’t THINK you need a birth plan, our templates we go over and model in class allow you to find all the information you’d never known, communicate it effectively with your providers and staff, and put it down in a written format that is doctor approved. You’ll be one step ahead of the game.

While we trust that you’re doing your research, we know you’ll trust us to be the professional step towards arming you with the knowledge you need to make those crucial preparations for the type of labor and birth experience you’re hoping for!


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