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When Gift Giving For Kids, Follow These Four Rules

how many presents should you gift your kids?

In the hustle and bustle of the season, it can be exhausting and easy to get wrapped up in the spirit of gift giving. The large toy moguls, Toys R Us and Target, aren’t remiss to send us their massive catalogs of the hottest new toys early in the year. I can’t even begin to tell you the number of posts I’ve seen in local groups of people selling their stock of Fingerlings, the latest craze toy that will probably lose its luster the second its opened Christmas morning.

How many presents are too many? How many are too few? What quantity seems correct is definitely different for each family, and while I do believe it’s possible to go overboard, if you have the means and the spirit to do so, go for it. If you’re looking for a recipe for your family and one that gives both moderation as well as a bit more use than the latest toy fad, here is ad adage that is easy to adopt (and even easier to follow!) while your children are young:

One thing they want

One thing they need

One thing they wear

One thing they read

You got it folks. Four things.

By supplying the simplicity of four things, you’re still getting the kiddos that magical toy they really want (you can always save this present for last, or have it come from the Man in Red) while giving them the message that gifts don’t always have to be toys. They’ll be exposed to the wonders of reading, and also enjoy a few things that will last long beyond Christmas morning.

Not sold on letting go of that ‘magic’ of toys on Christmas morning? Have the toys come from Kris Kringle, if he visits your home, and adopt the four rule for gifts from the parents. The ‘needs’ can be sports gear, furniture, you name it! This year, my boys are getting bunk beds, and they couldn’t be more thrilled.

Enjoy the holiday season and embrace new traditions in gift giving this year with your little ones!


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