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Navigating Nursing With Your Toddler In Tow? No Problem!

a toddler smiling and peeking from behind a wall, needing attention from the best person in their world, Mom

One of the biggest issues I dealt with when bringing home a new baby was nursing my little one while also keeping his older brother, 2 1/2, occupied. I knew I was going to need to be on the couch or in a chair frequently; what did this mean for my very active toddler? Would I be able to take care of them both?

The good news is I was!

There are many ways to engage and encourage your child to not see your nursing or bottle feeding baby as chore or a time of neglect. Keeping them involved in that process is important to their attentiveness as well as your own sanity!

Give tasks to older siblings

We made a huge deal about my son becoming a big brother and ‘helper’. He was able to do small things for me, like fill cups with water to bring to himself and I (sometimes profiled) or to grab a small stack of diapers to bring to the baby while I was nursing or changing. He loved feeling involved and it helped us to bond over his new role as a big boy.

Create special ‘nursing baskets’

We went to the dollar section of Target before baby came and stocked up on little trinkets, cars, coloring books, individual snack packs of goldfish and pouches, and other special items and put them into a bucket. The novelty of these inexpensive toys definitely didn’t wear off; we only pulled out the bucket when it was time to feed baby, and my son got to pick out a snack or a toy to play with during that time. It was kind of like a holiday every time we nursed, and I encouraged other family members to restock the basket and also create a separate one for him as a shower gift!

Reading is a great resource

One handed, you’d be surprised how many hard board books you can read to your toddler while you are also giving your baby nourishment. Reading during nursing sessions was our special time to connect, and it also fostered my son’s love for reading well past the time we were stuck on the couch.

Remember, the constant feeding session stage of your new baby won’t last forever. Giving your toddler some independence as well as your attention during that time will help them to bond with your younger child and you, and also is easier on your nerves! If you’re finding the adjustment hard, a postpartum doula or sibling doula can help you come up with systems and tips for helping routines and one on one time with older siblings continue!


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