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5 Simple Self Care Tools for Busy Moms

taking a mental or physical break for yourself is important to keeping going as a parent

It seems so ‘easy’! Take care of yourself! Make sure you’re getting enough sleep! Do things for YOU! When you’re expecting and then become a parent, those ‘easy’ things don’t necessarily come around as often, or are placed last in the list of importance.

Kids come first; they’re demanding of attention, have immediate needs, and usually require both for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

So how do you schedule in your own time? Won’t it be hard to find the time and someone to watch the kids? Isn’t it too exhausting to go out of your way to create the time for yourself?

The good news is you don’t always have to leave and grab a sitter or leave baby with your partner to gain some much needed breathers. Here are a few simple ways to indulge in self care that don’t take a lot of time - or energy - to revive you for the week ahead:

Complete a 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

Clearing your head of your to do list can be as refreshing as hitting delete on every email in your inbox. There are wonderful (and free!) apps for your phone where you can find a moment when baby is sleeping, the kids are playing or snacking, and you can gain some much needed deep breathing and a free moment to recharge. Headspace is one of our favorite apps, but any kind that promotes mindfulness will do!

Grab a Coffee or Tea (and some chocolate!)

It seems so simple, but enjoying your favorite brew can stimulate your brain - and promote those feel good endorphins! Indulge in a seasonal flavor or something from the drive through - or your friendly neighborhood Target housed Starbucks!

Get Your Heart Rate Up!

Joining an exercise class or flipping on a quick stretching session via YouTube in the living room with your kids can greatly improve your overall physical and mental health. I always found it counterintuitive to believe that working hard would increase my energy, but the more toned you feel, the easier it is to hop out of bed! Don’t worry about your fitness level - do it for a break, for where your body is at! If you’re needing a class with kids in tow, don’t look further than Fit4Mom - their kids and stroller included workouts are perfect for getting your time in, finding a likeminded community and gaining confidence and tone!

Take Up A Hobby

Wanting to take up calligraphy? Need something to keep your hands busy like crocheting or knitting? Think of something you’ve always wanted to create or learn, and take the plunge to sign up or teach yourself! Having a personal hobby that is just for you, and doesn’t come with the stress of needing to be financially sustaining, can greatly improve your daily life!

Take a Shower or Bath

My favorite part of the day is my shower! No one is allowed in the bathroom, and I get to unwind and take my time to wash the day away and indulge in some water therapy. The heat helps break up the lactic acid build up from the day, and I scoop up a few spa items from local organic team Biggs & Featherbelle to give myself a nice sugar scrub and a mini pedicure before bed to help unwind.

10 minutes out of your day for yourself, everyday. It’s crucial for keeping your sense of self, helping you have more patience for the daily grind of parenting, household maintenance, work, and moving forward to the end of the week! And if you truly need to take a break and just be, give us a call! We can help get you some much needed time to yourself without sacrificing the attention baby needs!

Try it! It’s more attainable than you think!


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