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Stressed as a Mother? Breathe...

stress can be reduced by taking time for a simple exercise each day


It is the hokiest sounding of advice, but something that we hear from doctors, friends, and Instagram inspirational messages time and time again.

It’s also the most overlooked of ways to calm the body, during periods of stress. And seriously, there isn’t any time that is more stressful than parenting newly postpartum. Almost nothing is completely within your control; your baby’s schedule (or lack thereof), your bladder, your abs…all succumb to the season of life that is, routinely, classified as the most stressful in a woman’s life.

Why does breathing relieve stress? When you take a deep, slow, inhale, it fills your lungs completely with oxygen. It forces your muscles to relax. It signals to your brain to close stress receptors. When you’re in labor, it literally takes oxygen to your baby. This tells your body that everything is alright, calms the heart rate, and increases the release of feel good endorphins, such as oxytocin.

It’s not just for yogis and meditation; breathing has the power to calm in the most chaotic of situations. And the fifth glass of spilled milk, the din of crying, overtired babies and unwashed hair can be classified as chaos.

So truly, the next time you’re about to jump out of your skin, remember. Deep, low, diaphragm moving inhale to the slow count of five. Exhale out of your mouth even deeper. Grab and reheat the coffee. Sit in a comfortable place.

But always. First. Breathe.


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