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The Answer To Baby Stains Is In Your Kitchen

the secret to baby stains has just been solved by a postpartum doula in Maryland

I’m sure many of you have compiled the list of items for your baby registry and found yourselves stocking up on the baby laundry savior (or so they say): baby specific ‘gentle’ detergent. These miracle cleaners will get out the toughest of baby stains! They are hypoallergenic! They smell heavenly! Your baby will sleep better if you use them for laundry!

Well. They don’t say that. But it’s something that went through your brain when you put it on your list, didn’t it??

I was hopeful when I started to scrub my first baby laundry stain with a powder scented burst of the expensive stuff. And it didn’t get out the stain. It made it smell nice. But it was still there!

For awhile I resigned myself that clothes were just meant to get stained. Babies are messy, don’t buy white. But, for the sake of the clients I serve as a postpartum doula, I dug deeper. For a long while.

I found it, parents.

I found the holy grail of stain fighters.

And it’s something I’m already using!

The answer is simpler than you think. It’s nothing that shouts out to you ‘this could really work for my clothes/carpet/microfiber couch.

Behold the answer to my stains:

This stuff is amazing! It gets out everything.

Baby have a diaper blowout up the back of that precious outfit? Saturate in the soap then scrub with a toothbrush and soak in cold water. After you wash it, that sucker will look brand new. (Yes, even whites).

I knew its versatility but didn’t really test its limits until this weekend.

My darling toddler spilled half a pint of tempera paint on our new carpet.

Red paint. Beige carpet.

We yelled. We cursed. We were certain that we’d have to call a cleaning company, only to be told we’d have to replace the carpet. Life was over.

Blogs suggested vinegar. Nope.

I was hesitant to spread the paint further into the fibers, so as a last ditch effort I laid on the Palmolive thick and left it. Later I came in with the toothbrush gently, then poured water over it and let the foam bring up the paint, which I skimmed off, and repeated a couple of times.


Not even a dusky residue left behind. No bright bleach patches. No water marks. GONE.

I was so excited I called my husband.

So let those little darlings get in the mud, the grass, hell, even the paint! Let them look like an outtake of that Daddy Day Care movie. Poop away, little kiddos, because Mommy’s got the secret weapon!

And it only costs $2.99



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