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The Post-Holiday 'Let-Down'

feeling blue after the holiday season is normal, getting out of the slump is possible

Why am I so SAD after the holidays?

When I was little, I used to have a meltdown after Christmas. We usually chalked it up to the post holiday let down; taking down the tree, putting away the lights and all the magic of the holiday being over was too much for a little one to handle. When I got older, that down feeling would linger even longer, through the month of January and well into the season.

Still to this day, February is routinely a hard month year after year, and as I became a parent, the difficulty has only increased. Not being able to do a ton of outdoor activities in the winter months, days that seem to never end and less "fun" events to look forward to leads to kids who also drag their feet, contributing to our downward spiral.

What's going on with winter? Is this normal?

In short, it is, and it isn't. It's a form of depression exacerbated by the weather, one many suffer from and familiarized as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD for short.

The shorter daylight hours in winter and the cabin fever that accompany it can lead many to dread the winter internment before spring brings all its glory. Unfortunately, we can't all hibernate as the bears do - we need to parent, after all - so how can you minimize the effects of less sunlight on your physical and mental health?

1. Grab a therapy lamp

Exposure of UV light can help to pep your mood and feelings of wellness. Red light therapy in general can easily give you a boost of good endorphins.

2. Snuggle

Remember those hormones from labor? Cuddling up with your baby, children or a loved one while watching that movie or getting ready for sleep boosts oxytocin and sends "feel good" hormones through your system.

3. Self Care

This is the time to be indulgent with yourself. Use that new body oil and dry brush to increase circulation before a hot bath or shower. Buy the extravagant coffee or tea. Read a book. Set time aside, even 10 minutes for some mindfulness. Reach a fashion blog. Something - scheduled - to help keep you moving forward with things to look forward to.

4. Get Moving

Was getting healthy and fit on your resolution list? Pregnant but feeling too tired to get out there and exercise? Regular fitness can gift you energy, increase endorphins that make you happier and also foster relationships that make you want to keep going! If you need to bring kiddos, or have a pregnancy friendly sesh, join the Fit4Mom crew! Classes with kiddos and also without will get you moving and feeling great about your strength, and the benefits of gaining health and strength will keep you going! First classes are free trials, so what do you have to lose? Plus, after workout play dates (ahem, Starbucks) mean your kids also are creating relationships and benefiting from your social network.

5. Schedule Fun Activities

Instead of waiting day to day to make plans with the kids, plan out your days in advance! Science Center, Aquarium, indoor play centers, anything to break up your day and keep the fun going for everyone. At the least, your getting outside a bit and getting moving and eliminating "I'm bored" from being a daily phrase! Need motivation? Check out our blog on 5 fun indoor things to do this winter!!

With a few systems in place, you can beat the winter blues and move into the season motivated and fresh!


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