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Do I Need Two Doulas?

having a doula team can be of great benefit to your family during your labor experience

We often get asked the question of continuity of support when we’re working with laboring families. The draw of having a labor doula includes the ability to have a constant support system prenatally, in early labor, at home and in the labor environment. Often, in the world of obstetric and midwifery care, there is a rotating schedule of providers and it’s hard to create a personal connection with any one. Sometimes, vital parts of your birth preference might be met with different practice and opinion depending on the provider.

For the majority of doula relationships, a single doula is committed to a family, providing birth planning and informational support, prenatal encouragement and a personal connection. She is committed to being alongside that family and is on call for the birth, no matter the day. Obviously, however, life happens, and for a long time, most doulas operated with a less than perfect system of back up, requiring more on the family to either meet this back up and build a relationship on shakier ground, or in the moment, meet with someone that is essentially a stranger to their birth process.

We’ve operated with a slightly different model for years, where the back up doula is more intimately involved in planning, to help families feel reassured. However, we’d like to introduce another model of care that is becoming one of our clients’ favorites!

Two doulas.

Two doula team members who have similar approaches to care, who share communication and a call schedule, so you know exactly who will support you at all moments! We live by the philosophy that obviously two heads are better than one, and one of the comments we’re hearing more regularly is that many like the instant gratification of reaching out to both team members and getting real time, even quicker responses.

Since the two doulas share a schedule, there is more consistency of a strong relationship with both birth attendees, and the family feels completely connected since they always know who will be there. Less distraction from the connection fully with one doula, and having to mentally shift to a contingency plan.

With two doulas, there is double the support!

When you’re beginning your relationship with us, consider which model will best support your family as a whole. Know that we are committed to crossing every t and dotting every i so you can feel relaxed during the process of welcoming your newest addition!


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