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Visual Birth Plans - The Birth Plan Co.

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I was as prepared as I could have been for the birth of my twins. I was a first time mom but I thought I knew exactly what to expect when it came to birth. One evening in my last trimester, I carefully typed up a vaginal birth plan and included preferences for a cesarean birth, just in case.

At 34 weeks my twins decided they needed to make their appearance! I shared my birth plans with the nurses and my OB—the trouble was, nobody remembered or seemed to care what I wanted! Perhaps the nurses were at the end of a very long shift or had been up with their own small children in the night. Trying to decipher another birth plan may have been more than they were willing or able to do at the time. I quickly decided to try and go with the flow. My twin boys were born an hour or so later via c-section based on the advice of my OB.

Looking back, there was so much I wish I could have changed about the birth of my babies! I needed more education on possible birth options and I needed to find a way to communicate my birth preferences in a memorable and optimistic way.

Fast forward three years when I arrived at a different hospital to give birth to my daughter. I was all ready to attempt a VBAC! When I presented my *visual* birth plan to the nurses, they simply could not say enough about it! They loved the vibrancy of the colors, how concise the preferences were, and how quickly they could find specific preferences on the page. Every single one of my preferences was followed carefully and with enthusiasm!

That is why I create these visual birth plans for others! I want all families to have that kind of empowering experience when giving birth!

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You will notice a few things about these visual birth plans. One thing is that they only allow space for 20 total birth preferences. By limiting the number of birth preferences, families can focus on the preferences that mean the most to them. However, you can let your doula know about additional preferences that do not fit on your birth plan. I’m sure you will be happily accommodated!

You will also notice that these birth plans are visually narrative. Those giving birth can use their birth plans as a tool to prepare their minds for what the birth of their baby will look like, sound like, and feel like. Picture (and practice) slowly swaying back and forth through a contraction on your birth ball; picture (and practice) having warm hands placed on your back to provide relief through massage; picture feeling your baby’s wet head as it is crowning and imagine the strength you will feel as you recognize your child is almost in your arms! In sports some say that there is no better tool than mental imagery—the same also applies to birth! Use these images to your advantage!

And finally, you may notice that there are birth preferences listed that you aren’t familiar with. Instead of brushing them aside, ask your doula about them and what their pros and cons might be. If you haven’t found a doula yet, searching online will also give some worthwhile answers.

By thoughtfully creating your birth plan and making use of your plan as a tool, you will enter the process of birth even more prepared, even more calm, and even more focused. I am honored to help you in that process.

Sarah Schwieger is the owner of The Birth Plan Co. As a graphic designer, our clients have greatly enjoyed using her visual birth plans in communicating their preferences to their birth team.

If you'd like to design a birth plan with us and Sarah, contact us to schedule a session today!

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