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What's The 'Small Business' Difference in Doula Support?

small businesses and doula care go together perfectly

It can be so tempting over the holiday season to go to big market and superstores to purchase the needed things for your family, including larger groups for personalized care. What you receive when you support small businesses, such as our small, family-owned and operated Maryland State Doulas birth and baby agency, is most of the time just a step above the rest. Not only do you have personalized and connected care, your support makes a large difference you can tangibly see to a family and families that work within the business. Here’s how your contribution and selection of our finest birth professionals can not only grant you the support you’re looking for, but leave you feeling great as well!

1. We’re Locally Owned and Operated

When you speak with agency owner Heather, you talk to her on the phone or by personalized email within 24 hours of your request, most likely sooner! One of the biggest comments we receive when we respond to inquiries or clients is “Wow! I can’t believe how fast and timely your response was!”. Our commitment to care and also our proximity and connection to the providers and businesses we recommend also means that we’re neighbors and have a common investment in those services and businesses as well!

2. Care is Personalized

When you are connected to a doula or support person within our agency, you’re truly a part of our family! We take great care to make sure we pair families with the perfect support for them and are dedicated to your needs. You’re story, birth plan, baby’s name and more are always a part of our memory; with Maryland State Doulas, you can be confident we know you apart from other clients and you’re never a ‘number’ on our charts.

3. We Treat Our Care Professionally

We strive to provide the highest quality service and care for our clients imaginable. Because of our commitment to our training, certification, countless face to face hours of support and truly being the most qualified and best professionals in the industry, we are proud to charge our worth as such. While you won't see us offering free or reduced rates for our services, you also will know you're getting the best, the greatest knowledge base, a team of professionals behind you, and that the fees sustain our doulas to continue to provide the best support without burning out! We're committed to you, and that shows in our rates and practice as professional, certified birth doulas within an agency model for added support.

4. Your Support Supports Our Families

Some of our doulas are working as professional doulas to support or supplement income for their families, and our owner, Heather, works within the agency as a birth professional as well as running the agency full time, speaking and connecting with other professionals and businesses, visiting hospitals and care providers, running workshops and more. When you invest your care in a professional doula within our organization, you’re supporting our family as well. Your investment in our knowledge, expertise and time allows us to sustain the holiday wish lists, Thanksgiving travel plans and daily chores like grocery shopping and paying for skating lessons that make our own families thrive.

5. You’re A Part of Our Lives Far After Our Services Are Complete

We believe strongly that we’ll always consider you a part of our lives after you become clients and families within Maryland State Doulas. The amount of holiday cards that fill our doulas’ and owners’ mailboxes fill our hearts and we also sustain lifelong connections with families through our close contact and care. The greatest honor is supporting families through multiple babies and infancy, and we can’t wait to support you!

When you’re choosing support this holiday season, feel confident in the care, closeness and expertise you’ll receive from investing in Small Business through Maryland State Doulas!

Find out why over 100 families in 2017 placed their value and investment in our services today.


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