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I Just Had A Baby…When Can I Allow Visitors?

when do you let visitors in to hold and cuddle your new baby is up to you!

Bringing baby home is exciting and exhausting. Getting back into some semblance of a routine may seem non existent, work emails may still need to be answered, the laundry and dishes from flying to the hospital in the middle of the night may still need to be put away. Setting yourself up on the couch and posting those precious baby announcements on Facebook means loads of questions from friends and family about when they can visit! So when is the best time to let everyone come and cuddle your sweet new addition?

The true answer? There isn’t a ‘right time’.

Maybe you’d love to have visitors and family members descend upon your home. If they’re helpful, even better! But if you don’t want to open the front door for well wishers just yet, that’s fine too. Many families enjoy staying in the first week or even longer with just their immediate support team to enjoy their baby and readjust to adding feeding, sleep and care for Mom’s newly postpartum body into the mix - and that may mean having the peri bottle and supplies for postpartum in the bathroom might be too private for sharing just yet!

If you are opting to have visitors the first week you’re home, here are some helpful tips to make sure the intentions leave you feeling excited and not exhausted after the last person leaves:

Make Visiting Hours

If you’re opting to have friends and family visit, set times. That way visitors won’t overstay their welcome. Make times appropriate for when you’re reasonably rested, so you don’t feel like you need to get up early to entertain, or too late when everyone is too tired to ‘clean up’ after they depart. Well wishers usually have good intentions and may think they’re helping by hanging around, but entertaining can be tiring when you’re recovering from having a baby yourself. Set good boundaries so you don’t wear yourself out.

Give Visitors A Task

Seen those cutesy signs that give visitors a task before they’re allowed to hold the baby? They’re actually wonderful! Think of some tangible things that your guests can do to help out - bring a meal, run the vacuum, help with organizing some items in rooms (if they’re close relations especially) so you can benefit from help and stay on the couch to relax and show off baby.

Make Sure Visitors Have Their TDap and Flu Vaccines

It’s not being overprotective to require everyone who will be in close contact with your baby within your home to be up to date on their flu and TDap (whooping cough) vaccinations. Especially if their visit won’t be the last, it will give you peace of mind that baby won’t be exposed to illness within those first weeks.

Don’t Be Afraid To Cancel

Everyone will understand if you need some space. If you’ve had a bad night of restless sleep, need a nap, or just don’t feel yourself, don’t feel like you have to stick to plans or that you will be letting someone down. Friends should understand that this is a fragile and special time that requires you to get a lot of sleep!

No matter when you decide to allow the special people in your lives into your home to meet your sweet baby, know that this time is about you and your adjustment. Putting postpartum plans in place can greatly improve the amount of relaxation and comfort you achieve, and something our specialists are well versed in creating. Enjoy your new baby - and the comforts of all that surrounds this time!


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