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It’s OK - You Don’t Have to Have a VBAC If You Don’t Want One

I’m seeing a lot of something lately that has been driving me absolutely crazy.

In a local ICAN chapter or Facebook Mom’s support group, or even on a friend’s page, there lies a certain underlying feeling of judgment and stigma when Moms choose, either to attempt a VBAC, or to repeat a cesarean the second time around.

While I’m all for the empowered, information driven support systems and amount of care that has increased around trials of labor and successful vaginal birthing after cesarean when the conditions are right, it seems almost as if, when you aren’t trying to have a VBAC, you should feel the need to explain what the conditions were that led you to feel a repeat cesarean was necessary for your birth experience.

And you know what?

You don’t have to explain.

You don’t have to say that it is because your baby was breech, or that you wouldn’t go into labor on your own the first time and your provider won’t induce a VBAC, so why stress yourself out?

You don’t have to say that you’re worried that you won’t be able to have skin to skin in the OR with baby unless you schedule your birth.

You don’t have to stick up for your provider and say that you trust his or her decision and that you have a great relationship with them and want to make sure they are there to deliver your baby.

You don’t have to say anything. At all.

Birth is birth.

If you want to VBAC, we as birth professionals and experts in labor and delivery are here to support you. We can assist you in finding the information and tools necessary to have a successful birth environment. We can be there to aid in your comfort before, during and after. We can help you when you begin to second guess your decision. We will be there no matter what.

I’ve seen absolutely jaw dropping beautiful scheduled Cesarean birth. The calm, the excitement, the well rested family getting to meet baby in a gentle and safe environment is a powerful birth story and beginning to a great chapter with a second baby.

I’d love to see more birth announcements with simple notes of ‘congrats!’ to the new family, and no need for them to write that long winded defense of their birth choice.

So when you get ready to plan for your birth for your second or third, and you’re wondering our stance on supporting your decisions, don’t worry! And congratulations! We won’t assume that when you write to inquire we’ll strongly advocate for a VBAC if that’s not your wish.

And no, you don’t have to explain.

We’re excited to help you plan a calm and peaceful BIRTH. Period.


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