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Picking the Right Road: Navigating Pregnancy, Labor, and Parenting

which path to take in parenting is a lot like holding a map and picking a route. which one is correct is up to your instincts

Sometimes, no matter how confident we are when choosing a provider - and we might love them! - some part of a suggested plan doesn’t sit well with us. It can be discussed, and presented with confidence, and logically sound, but after the care provider walks out of the room, a feeling of unease is still present.

That’s your instinct.

Most of us laboring women, or postpartum mothers/fathers/partners navigating all the twists and turns of a new baby with the thrill features of a brand new Six Flags roller coaster, are not experts in pediatrics or obstetrics. Even if we are, each labor and baby presents different challenges unforseen.

It seems logical to listen to the evidence for a choice and change in procedure, or prescribed action of care, and follow it. What if your gut is telling you otherwise? Do we ignore that feeling and steadfastly move forward? That is one choice.

The other choice is to listen.

The gut may not have the full answer, but it has the answer that the path we’re moving down just isn’t the correct path for this particular situation, baby, labor, time, etc. And that is totally ok! Instead, it’s time to sit down and look at other paths and options until we feel confident and settled with the choice at hand.

In pregnancy and parenting, there are always other options and they are always worth exploring. Our team of labor and postpartum doulas are fully supportive of finding the right decision for your family and scenario, until you feel you’ve found a way forward that feels comfortable for you. One of the ways we listen and talk out options with our clients is to look at each decision under the lense of an acronym, BRAIN.

B - What are the benefits of what is being discussed?

R - What are the risks involved?

A - What alternatives to this course of action might be taken?

I - The all important piece, what is my intuition telling me?

N - What happens if no choice is made? If we do nothing, will it alter greatly the current situation?

In all areas and facets of life preparing for, welcoming and raising a baby, instinctual attuning is a guaranteed way to feel at peace with major and minor decisions. All you need to do is trust in yourself, and listen to that little urge in your soul. It’ll guide you in the right direction. And you’ll be supported by a team who cares for your instincts’ voice.


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